
Monday, January 31, 2011

Monsters in the Castle (Monday)

The little prince cried hysterically. “But it was there! I saw it, right over there!” “That’s the wall dear, no monsters can come through the wall,” his nurse soothed, trying to get him back to sleep. It was very late, and it had been a long day for the little prince’s nurse. “You didn’t see it, it was really scary!” The nurse shushed him and replied gently, “All right, if you see the monster again, close your eyes and say a prayer, when you open your eyes again, the monster will have left.” The boy nodded and calmed. His nurse bid him goodnight once more and left him alone again.

So, yes.
I've got an idea.
I'm gonna try to write it.
Maybe try to do some illustrations for my ideas
Let's hope I don't give up or change my mind.
Go with God,

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Faith (Saturday)

Yes, I'm a Christian.
Yes, I do feel sorry for non-Christians, simply because they do not know my God the way I do.
Yes, I do go to church every Sunday.
Yes, I do wear modest clothing.
Yes, I believe in forgiveness and Grace.
Yes, I believe anyone can be saved.
Yes, I'm a Methodist.
Yes, I do feel distant from God sometimes.
Yes, I have questions about my faith.
Yes, I believe everyone else is entitled to disagree with me.

No, I do not believe preaching about hellfire and brimstone will make anyone come to the cross quicker, in fact I myself shut down and stop listening when it's brought up.
No, I don't like being hit with the same piece of Scripture when it's clearly not answering my question.
No, I don't read my Bible every day, though I feel I should.
No, I don't believe you have to be baptized in order to be saved.
No, I do not approve of homosexual relationships.
No, I'm not homophobic.
No, I don't believe you should have sex outside of marriage.
No, I don't believe I'm 'better than you.'
No, I don't think people should get flamed for having doubts/questions/concerns/opinions/or anything that may rub you the wrong way.
No, I don't think you're right just because you think you are.

Yes, I'm a Christian, and
No, I'm not conforming to this world or your opinions.


Just felt like doing this.
Showing that I don't stick to the standard. Honesty is refreshing, isn't it?
Just for the record, if you're going to tell me that I'm wrong,
I don't care.
I do, however, accept positive comments, and if you agree with anything above, go ahead! I like it when I find people with similar opinions. Gives us things to talk about.
If I get any comments telling me 'this is why your opinion is wrong' it will be promptly deleted or, if you're commenting on Buzz, the post will be deleted and no one else will get to comment because you were ignorant.
Glad we're all on the same page now.
Go with God,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Family Life Skills (Monday)

It'll do that to yah.
I really hate this book.
My mom hates it too, she's finding me a new one, in the meantime, I'm going to be covering the chapter on finances.
So, yes, at every turn I feel like I'm expected to act like the 'stereotypical woman.'
You know, the one who thinks that getting married and making babies is the only thing in the world worth living for?
Yeah, sure, I want to get married. If that's what God calls me to do.
He may call me to be single.
I know a girl who's been called to be single, and been called into the mission field.
YES, you model of ignorance, a woman can be a missionary without a husband.
All I'm saying is, is that I really just want to live my life the way God wants me to live it without being under all this pressure to be the 'Biblical' Christian woman.
(Just for the record, it's the scan, not the drawing that's crooked.)
*Puts on fire retardant suit*
Let the flame war begin.
Go with God,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

100th Post!!! (Thursday)

I made it to 100 posts!
Who'd've thought?
And in commemoration, I'll tell you the mystery guy currently sitting in the D of my Drama folder cover.
You sure?
All right..
Here we go...
You sure?
Now for..!
Now for..!
Am I making you mad yet?
I'll stop now.
The guy who has been driving you crazy (anna) is none other than King Caspian from The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader!
I still blame you for not knowing who he was.
This has been the AllieCat Creations' 100th post!
Go with God!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Cover (Wednesday)

New cover!
Tis spiffy.
I'll give you one more shot, who's the new guy?
I won't blame you if you don't know. *points blame anyway*
Ignore the floor color, I know it's bad, but last time I used that technique was for a night sky. (SO much black.)
And my (yes, that's me sitting in the 'a') eyes are dark, because I accidentally started coloring them with my new dark red. I tried to cover for it with like 3 layers of dark brown.
Why yes, that is a man in a fez and bowtie having a staring contest with The Goose.
Go with God,

Monday, January 17, 2011

Progress (Monday)

I'm making the new cover.
I would've scanned it if I hadn't started coloring already. It has to be color or lineart. The End.
So you get the old one!
I still like it, but I wanted a new one.
It meets the requirements, follows the old theme with the background and letters (let's face it, twas a good idea.)
There's also a new, never-before-drawn-by-allie character on there.
Figure out who it is and I'll give you a cookie.
Hint: He's a seafarer.
So! In this one there are (from top to bottom, left to right);
The Master
The Doctor (10)
The Goose
The Doctor (11) (Don't ask, just watch the show)

And this be the end of my post!
Go with God!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Update (Sunday)

So, yes.
I've been lazy.
Mostly been trying to get back into the swing of school and such, but snow got in the way and shut down the city for a few days.
I finished 'The Picture of Dorian Grey.' It was so wonderful I'm reading it again to make sure I didn't miss any of the goodness.
Ashley's gonna say I'm weird for liking this book so much.
I really do.
I was doodling during a church meeting and now I've been charged with designing a t-shirt logo for a fundraiser.
I still want to design a t-shirt for theater, but I don't think my ideas would be liked.
And I'm not sure if I have the name of the play right.
I should know these things.
I want to redo my theater folder cover.
I could make it look better now that I have markers.
I'd have to use white construction paper...
It's requirements are 2 Doctors, 1 Master, Me, and The Goose.
with God!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Individual (Wednesday)

Everyone is thought of as an Individual, or would like to be thought of as such.
Are we an Individual,
Or are we simply the thoughts and ideas of others, put together in such a way as to be thought of as 'unique?'
The age at which, some would say, is one's greatest time of learning.
Do we truly learn,
Or do we simply absorb what others want us to know in the way they want us to know it?
To push an idea upon.
To Impress an idea to the Impressionable in such a way that it is accepted and carried out.
Impress your own personality onto an Impressionable,
To live through them.
To influence.
To keep one Impressionable so that you may Control their behavior.
Keep the Individual from coming to light.
We know what is Truth.


So, yeah. I've been reading 'The Picture of Dorian Grey' and am simply fascinated by this book. It made me wonder these things, so I typed them up all pretty.
I really don't know what kind of writing this is, so if you know, I'd like to put a name to it.
I hope it speaks to someone.
Or makes someone scratch their head and actually think.
Go with God,

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Starting Over (Saturday)

Yes, I'm crazy, but do you see the problem?
I was trying to put the outline of the face on and it wasn't right. No matter how I tried, it didn't fit.
I did some measurements using the tip of my pencil as the measure (the drawing was supposed to be twice the size of the reference). The eyes were the right size, but the nose was too long. So I marked off where it should end.
Now his face looked fat.
I measured the eyes again.
I then measured between the eyes.
They were one length too far apart.
This is what I get for finding out how to measure after doing the eyes and nose.
I really can't fix it, it's best just to start over.
It was a learning experience.
I need to get to work on requests.
Just a warning, requests will be closed as of Monday, when I'll be starting school back.

I really hope I get to finish this some day.

Go with God,

Friday, January 7, 2011

Coming Along (Friday)

Just thought I'd update on my redo of Ben Barnes.
It's coming along.
Better than last time. I'm being uber careful.
I've got the eyes, nose, and mouth done for the most part. I'll probably be fixing the mouth as I go along. (I finally found a way to make it look like the ref.)
Oh, and I tossed my block eraser at the cat because she was being stupid, and when I went to go pick it up a few minutes later it was gone.
Wait for it...
Mazie ate it.
Yup, my dog ate my eraser.
I'm telling you, if she's not supposed to have it, she'll find it and try to eat it.
The two of them were fighting over a piece of piping earlier.
This means I have to go buy a new one.
The eraser, not the pipe. That managed to survive the assault. (Will have to ask my dad about it tomorrow, may be important.)
And the roads are supposed to be iced over starting Sunday.
Guess I'll have to make do with the kneaded.
Keep it locked up so that it doesn't get eaten too.
At least the picture is coming along.
Go with God,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Realization (Thursday)

It took me two years of realism lessons to realize I hated it.
It took five years of playing around with cartooning (no lessons) to learn anatomy.
And it took one pretty face to get me wanting to do realism again.
I am such a loser.

Just thought I'd let y'all in on that.
Go with God,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Eye Love Shading (Wednesday)

It's punny.
I know I said I'd take a break before I started to re-work that picture, but I have a HUGE notebook with amazing paper which doesn't bleed marker ink.
I loves it.
The main reason behind this scan was to test how well the shading comes through.
I'm going to have to finish this with black prismacolor, otherwise you'll miss all the pretty details I tend to kill myself over.
I'm taking my time with this, unlike last time.
I love shading, really, I do. It fleshes out everything so well.
Back to work with me then.
Go with God,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


This was supposed to be Ben Barnes, but.... I ran out of paper...
His face is too short the lips are ugh and the technique I used for the hair would be better used for tall grass.
I guess it's not bad for my first serious realism in 5 years...
Then the scanner kills it. @.@
Not my day.
The first is the reference I used, so you can just look at that and ignore the one I drew.
I'm going to try this again later on a much bigger sheet of paper.
I'm getting myself marker paper tomorrow.
And more markers.
I finally have money.
I'm going to go look at colors and make a list of what I want.
Why did I post this?
Go with God,