
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Does Anyone Know? (Sunday)

Because I most certainly don't.
Know what?
What to do, of course!
Really now, you ought to know that.
Ok, ok, here's the deal.
I've been doing a whole lot of nothing lately.
Well, not nothing, but no artwork. You see, school and playing Hero Mode in Skyward Sword has pretty much taken over my life right now.
However, I did manage to get a halfway decent trial sketch of (the AMAZING) Lord Ghirahim, so I may try and draw a full-blown something of him to post here. (No promises, though.)
I have been thinking, however.
I currently am using desktop backgrounds of not my invention, so I thought I may try my hand at making one of those... or four... ok, just two, because those are usually the only spaces I use.
I need to find out what size my monitor is so I don't have to stretch any of my artwork.
But what to do?
It pains me to think that I might work on something, then get tired of seeing it day after day.
Tis a conundrum...
Ah, well. I need to go see if we've any plans for dinner...
I wish to eat...
Go with God,

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Old Things New (Tuesday)

Yep, I went back in my files and redid the first picture I posted here.
And yes, Ariel does have an orange tail.
Face it, whoever planned her original color combination must have been out of their mind. I mean really, that red hair, with a green tail, and a purple top? You can't be serious.
Plus, almost every other mermaid's tail matches their hair, so why shouldn't hers?
I'm glad I've improved...
By the way, the scanner mauled this. The skin is all nice and shaded and here she just looks...ill.
Meh, I need to get a better quality scanner.
And a lot more markers... I think I'm going to end up blowing all my Christmas money on art supplies... and I'll have to check what kind of scanners are out nowadays...
Go with God,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pirate (Tuesday)

Yeah, this is a sketch from last semester, but I had it scanned, so...
Here it is.
(May upload today's sketch tomorrow...)
Go with God,

Monday, January 9, 2012


Yes, I know I said I'd color it, but I really wasn't sure how.
Then I didn't devote any time to it, so...
Yes, I like him.
He is not a yak (as some idiot might think), he's a Highlands Longhorn.
There's a few issues with it, but he's cute overall. Again, sorry he's late and unfinished, but with school starting, I'm not likely to be finishing any projects.
Since I drew so much before Chemistry last semester (and I'm taking Chem 2 this semester) I'll likely copy my sketches on the days I have class, so look forward to irregular updates on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
Go with God,
Also, I will be changing the eye-burning theme I've got here...