
Monday, November 29, 2010

Blergh (Monday)

I'm sick.
I feel terrible.
Artwork will be out of order until illness passes out for the most part.
Once my stomach settles I'll get back on the meds. In the meantime, I'll be having soup stuffs.
I hope none of you guys get sick, or I'll try not to get you sick.
Go with God,

P.S. Check this out! Looks familiar, no? Except mine is more friendly and less card-oriented. :) I found it neat, anyways.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

PUPPIES!!!!! (Wednesday)

Now that Cassie's home, I can tell you all the big news!
A boy and a little girl.
He's all white with brown eyes that have a splotch of blue in each. And she's gold and white with blue eyes. Brother and sister. They're an unknown mix, but we're thinking they have some sort of lab, terrier, pit bull, herding dog mix. Cause he looks like a lab/pit bull and she looks like a terrier/herding dog. His name is Albus (from the Latin for 'white') and she's Mazie (cause my mom said so).
Now y'all know why I've been so busy.
I'm happy.
Be happy with me.
I'll tell you more about their personalities later.
Go with God,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Busy, busy, busy (Sunday)

Sorry for lack-of-updatedness.
Been busy...
busy, busy.
I'll have to tell you later. Cause I'm terribly busy...
busy, busy.
I should be working on Christmas Presents.
Busy, busy, busy...
Go with God,

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blackout (Thursday)

This is what happens when you have a homeschooler in a blackout.
Do you like it?
Cause I sure do!
I appear to be having issues. I tried to draw Mickey Mouse, but when I managed to get one of his faces to look right, I couldn't get my style to look right. I'll work on it.
We cleaned again today.
Mom and I finally got sick of grabbing pens/pencils that didn't work/weren't sharpened. So we bought some new pencils and Dry-erase markers and went through all our pencil baskets and the junk drawer. Threw out a lot of things and then we had a blackout. That's when I drew this on my hand. I was feeling festive. So you get poinsettias. On me.
Btw, the best pens to use on your hands are the ones that say MegaFlow on the barrel. That's so you don't have to constantly go back over lines you already did and you don't end up with red hands.
This was really fun to do.
I should draw stuff like this more often.
Go with God,

Friday, November 12, 2010

Gifts (Friday)

I wanted to give Cassie a full sketchbook, but I'm afraid I'll have to complete what I can tonight and let her keep it until Christmas break, whereas I can fill it more.
Cassie, you'll get the gift that keeps on... gifting.
And I keep trying to spell gift as 'girft.'
Ah, well.
I also want to gift something for a friend of mine... I'm gonna be real sneaky and not tell you guys anything, because you know her and I want it to be a surprise. And she'll probably figure out what it is if you tell her it's from me. *suspicious glare* ANYwho, I have a ref page for you! =D
They are the Ilumni.
They are black with glowing markings. BLACK. I haven't colored one yet, so get over it. The colors are based solely on the temperament of the individual. The spectrum goes from Red to Blue, Red being the more aggressive personalities and the Blue being more passive. Any Purple color, however, is said to have emotional imbalances and goes quickly from one mood to the other. Any color besides that (Orange, green, yellow...) is perfectly normal. They are photosynthetic through the dark spot on their chests, and use the light they collect to make their markings glow, and to use their weapons. Their weapons are their hands, which can change shape when they have enough light in them. Their left becomes a blade, and their right becomes a light cannon. This cannon is harmless, considering it shoots concentrated balls of light, and is only lethal if shot close-range at the face. They are, for the most part, peaceful and only use their left weapons to cut branches to make their homes. They communicate through clicks that come from a spot below their neck (not pictured here) and they see through bands of light on their heads, which they can expand or shrink to make expressions. Females have these bands all the way around their heads, as opposed to the males which have the bands end an inch or two passed where their ears should be.
You know what, I bet none of you read all this, so I'll stop while I'm still at the basics and not getting into their social structure.
Go with God,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Symbolism (Saturday)

I love symbolism when its easy to understand.
I'll leave you to think about what this means, I don't feel like explaining.
You get to know that her wings are based off the Swallowtail butterfly. I'd love to hear everyone's theories.
Maybe later I'll tell you what it means to me. Maybe.
I'm really liking butterfly wings. They're fun to color, but I think the black marker's got it in for me. I get a headache every other time I use it. And I'm asking for replacement nibs for copics. I need 3. THREE. acajf;jfd;ozlvjaodjk
2 are skintones... the other's the blender.
I like her dress. I like it a lot.
I want one...
Ah, well.
Go with God,

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Classic Redo (Thursday)

I'm not posting anything until I get the three of them sketched out, but I will tell you about them.
'A Christmas Carol'
One of my favorites, a classic.
I want to do a version of the ghosts that I dreamed up, quite literally. You see, my versions are very much humanoid, but the one time they decide to do their job in costume, a writer has to get the idea written down. Future still hasn't forgiven Present for this, even though he apologized numerous times. Present is the only guy, the other two are girls.
Past has her head, well, in the past, and she's a perpetual 13-year-old. She loves books and her clothing is usually a bit historical, but she's helpful to others when Present and Future are there to remind her what she's doing.
Present is always in the moment. He knows his surroundings at all times and is aware of what's going on around him. Doesn't think ahead much, and gets on Future's nerves a lot, but he gets along well with the mortals and is generally fun to be around. He also loves to eat, I mean, it's amazing how much this guy can put away. He looks to be about 23.
Future is rather serious. She thinks ahead about big decisions (and little ones) and doesn't talk much. She likes Past, but tolerates Present, and is a bit of a recluse. Her wardrobe is made up of basic pieces she puts with more modern stuff. She looks to be around 28.
That's all I have to say about that.
Math was fun today.
Nice, easy, straightforward graphing.
Lines, circles, parabolas and intercepts.... and something else I can't remember the name of.
I'm gonna go now...
Go with God,

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy (Belated) Halloween! (Monday)

I know it was yesterday, but I drew the picture then.
I showed it to my mom this morning and she went O.o, so I figured I got it to look right. I'm cleaning the sketch currently, but if I get it inked, I'll repost. It'll look much better once I get around to ink/color.
Yes, this is actually a redo of a picture I did the first of this year, where the character was doing the same thing, but more Shakespeare, and not quite the same look.
By the way, I'm currently hooked on Christmas music.
So I'm going to start working on a Christmas project soon.
And my sissy's coming home this weekend! Yay. =)
Is it November already?
Goodness, but I will never miss walking through a candy isle while anticipating one of the decorations on sale to jump/yell at me.
Yah, I didn't really spend much time cleaning this. -.-
For the record, never ask my characters what their 'special ability' is.
Happy All Saints Day,
Go with God,