
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Classic Redo (Thursday)

I'm not posting anything until I get the three of them sketched out, but I will tell you about them.
'A Christmas Carol'
One of my favorites, a classic.
I want to do a version of the ghosts that I dreamed up, quite literally. You see, my versions are very much humanoid, but the one time they decide to do their job in costume, a writer has to get the idea written down. Future still hasn't forgiven Present for this, even though he apologized numerous times. Present is the only guy, the other two are girls.
Past has her head, well, in the past, and she's a perpetual 13-year-old. She loves books and her clothing is usually a bit historical, but she's helpful to others when Present and Future are there to remind her what she's doing.
Present is always in the moment. He knows his surroundings at all times and is aware of what's going on around him. Doesn't think ahead much, and gets on Future's nerves a lot, but he gets along well with the mortals and is generally fun to be around. He also loves to eat, I mean, it's amazing how much this guy can put away. He looks to be about 23.
Future is rather serious. She thinks ahead about big decisions (and little ones) and doesn't talk much. She likes Past, but tolerates Present, and is a bit of a recluse. Her wardrobe is made up of basic pieces she puts with more modern stuff. She looks to be around 28.
That's all I have to say about that.
Math was fun today.
Nice, easy, straightforward graphing.
Lines, circles, parabolas and intercepts.... and something else I can't remember the name of.
I'm gonna go now...
Go with God,

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