
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Observatories and Polar Opposites (Wednesday)

Yes, well...
It's kindof hard to explain.
A while ago I was thinking... and I had the idea of a human observatory... so just recently I drew two pictures of her. One stands incomplete, as I need references I don't feel like hunting for.
The polar opposites is YinYang. She's one person in two personifications, one reflecting the chaos of worldly living and the other reflecting the church. Both are good and bad in their own ways. Yin; she expresses the ability to lead, but doesn't always know what is best for those she leads, and Yang, though she wants to live a faithful life, gets too easily pulled into the concerns of others and has a tendency to get deeply involved in politics. Yes, they are two bodies with two distinct personalities, and they are one person. Their appearances are nearly identical.
I may load some scans later, but I haven't done anything of YinYang.
And you know, I was given the impression that Yang was order and Yin was chaos, but when I looked it up in the online dictionary... let's just say I officially have no more a clue then before I looked it up....
Oh well.
Go with God,

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