
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Look at all this art I'm producing! (Tuesday)


I finally caved and bought those ridiculously expensive awesome markers and I've done exactly nothing with them.
So, to recap, while I've been practicing in the margins of my notes, the minute I sit down with a sketch book and an idea, everything falls to pieces.
The fact that I recently realized I am verymuch behind in Statics and none of my classes will slow down to let me catch up is probably a big contributor. Maybe once I'm all caught up I will be more artfully productive.

In other news, I've signed up for NaNoWriMo!
For those of you who don't know what that is, November is National Novel Writing Month. There's a website dedicated to it, but as it's down for maintenance right now, I can't post a reliable link. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in one month.
You don't actually have to sign up to participate, but registering with the website allows you access to several "motivating" tools, one of these being the forums where you can communicate with others in your area to keep inspired.
Since I've signed up, I've decided what I'll be writing about and have already started building scenes in my head and trying to construct realistic scenarios.
I don't know if I'll post it here.
As a writer, I'm fairly inexperienced, so the first draft will likely be excruciatingly rough and probably around 75% will have to be totally rewritten.
However, I'm looking forward to the challenge, and I hope I will return with good news in December.
(I will try not to go that long without posting, but we'll have to see.)

I'll try to pull something together to post here drawing-wise soon.
Go with God,

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