
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Expectations (Tuesday)

This is a not-very-amusing-serious-type post where I bore you to tears about my personal life.
Not really personal, but I guess I don't often make things like this public.
Eh, either way.


I'm quite tired of people having them of me.
I don't mean, the first time someone meets me, they judge me by my appearance, but the ones who know me set expectations.
And I don't like them.
I enjoy getting compliments like, I'm smart, or talented, but they don't really help me.
Sure it hurts my pride to hear that I haven't done well enough or that I should've tried harder, but it gives me something to work for.
I can critique myself all day and night, but it really won't give me motivation to try harder.
There's something about someone else's opinion that makes it matter.

I guess it sounds weird, right?
I'm complaining that the expectations set on me are actually too low.

And it really bugs me.
Do people honestly think this is all I'm capable of?
Is this all they want of me?

You can tell me I'm wonderful a hundred times, but it would mean next to nothing compared to a critique that helped me improve.
And it's not just art I'm talking about.
It's anything I'm involved in.
I mess up in band, but the director doesn't have me go over it again.
I get congratulated for making a stupid mistake, but getting a good grade none the less.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with my accomplishments, but I sometimes wonder if I could've done better if I was expected to.

One of the reasons I'm looking forward to college is the challenge.
Each professor will challenge me in a different way, and the things I get involved in will demand more from me.
I will be pushed to be the best I can be.
And I want it.
I need it.

So, what could you accomplish if people just started expecting it of you?
Honestly, what have you really wanted to excel in?
Could someone, simply by expecting a certain level of skill, push you to become better than you already are?

Now look at your own expectations of the people you know.
Are you building them up, or holding them back?
Be honest, now.

You could change someone's life.


Go with God,


  1. Nice. Lots of meat there to chew on. It take more than a single comment to respond.

  2. dang. youve got a gooooood point there. hm.
