Here's your request, Ashley. Hope you like it.
And thank you all SO much. For all the wonderful feedback on my picture yesterday. You gave me so much support and it just makes me want to draw more and more.
You're a practicing imbecile if you think I was serious just then.
I got better responses from a THIRD GRADER.
So what? She thought the kissing picture was gross, but hey, she's in third grade, boys still have cooties.
But still, her reaction to my drawings made me really want to draw more.
If I made you feel bad; too bad.
You have every option to not read this blog.
If I've offended you.
Your fault, you took offense.
From now on, please show support for the artist, regardless of who they are and what they've drawn.
It keeps us artists.
Go with God,
So. I think that you should draw a duck. or two ducks. or lots of duckies... ;)
ReplyDeleteand the ballerina is beautiful! LOVE the blue pointe shoes.. :D
ReplyDeleteYAAAAAY! :D :D :D This is AMAZING, Allie. :) The blue pointe shoes are FANTASTIC. :D