Alrighty, sorry about not posting yesterday, I was recovering from Wednesday.
I'm listening to music I've heard hundreds of times and still love. iTunes calls it my 'top 25,' I call it awesomeness on a stick...
But yes, these songs take me back to when I started seriously drawing. I still have some of those really old and humiliating drawings I used to be so proud of. I still am proud of them, because I had to suffer through those to get to where I am now.
Every once in a while, I take time to look back at my old works. This reminds me how far I've come, and that I'm doing all this for fun. It helps when I've got no idea what to draw, and by taking time to look at old and new, I am able to pick out where I need to improve. It's amazing how music can make one such a happy nostalgic. Ah, well. I might scan something later, but in the meantime; Have a nice day. =)
Edit: Ok, I got this done kinda quick. She's not perfect, but she's cute... I really need to stop drawing at an angle... Enjoy it anyway.
i like it a lot!! she's really awesome.. and her dress.. GAH! so cute. :)