Sorry for missing yesterday. I got caught up reading 'Do Hard Things,' I'm going to make my sister read it when I'm done. So, yes, this is the angel of death I tried to do last Friday. She's a cutie, makes death not so evil looking! :D I know, I'm crazy. The big orb thing on her staff is for the containment of demons, and it also makes for a heavier swing. She has to deal with these guys a lot more than she has to be on assignment for people. AAAAHHHH, I just realized I forgot her poketwatch.... aw. She always has that on her, it lets her know when she needs to be somewhere. When she's on people retrieving jobs, she carries around a list of places she needs to be. As a character, she's quiet and thoughtful, doesn't really smile much, but she's just that way. Sorry for the sketchyness of the thing. And I kindof copped out on the wings. I wasn't really in the mood to go into all that detailing.... feathers have to be the most time consuming things to draw EVER. And she gave me issues with her bangs, so I'll probably have to drag her back out and fix these on a day I feel up to it. And the hands look way too small. BAH. Here's your picture, I'l go gripe about it elsewhere. :P (And no, I have nothing against human ears, pointy ones are just so much funner to do.)
EDIT: Just thought I'd tell you to look at this. It's beautiful!
your creativity blows my mind.. you are awesome!! :)