This is where I get to post something strange. :) That's about it. It'll mainly be creatures or some other creepy life-form. Or just something random I found amazing. So, here's the Brokenheart I promised, and a link to something completely adorable. Meh, this could've been better. Proportions are all off. -.-
Link to Snowman by Kikariz: http://www.deviantart.com/?order=24#/d2ry1tk
Brokenheart info: A brokenheart is a creature created when a human uses black magic to get revenge on someone who betrayed them. When the human is about to die, their soul is ripped from the body by a demon and the forces it to form a new body. They eat hearts. Yup. Ew. They have three fingers which are pretty much blades so they can cut through the ribs to remove the still-beating hearts of their victims. Their only known weakness is the weapons made by the Openhearts, which are the only ones known to leave a lasting mark. This is why they hate them so much. They will follow one for days waiting for the mortal heart to make an appearance. Then they attack, using their fingers to stab the heart. However, they lose strength when in light, but they hunt at night.
.... I'm quite morbid today. And into glowey red things. Guess you should just consider this a forewarning of Wednesdays to come.
whoa.. kinda morbid, yet cool at the same time! :)