
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Wall Art Progress (Thursday)

So, you may remember a while back I posted a picture of a chalk drawing on my wall?
Well, it's been a while, but I actually did some work on it!
The first coat is done, but the second is proving to be an issue. Turns out that rather than the very careful method I'd employed for the first coat will not get this thing done quickly. I am having to liberally slather paint on the areas I've worked on several times. This is making it go a bit slow since I want each section to be done before I work on the next. And after the tree, I have the text to do at the top.
At least I'm getting somewhere.
You may notice the distinct difference between the parts that only have one layer and the ones with more.
The text at the top is elvish for "Speak Friend and Enter" plus a little embellishment because I didn't want to go back, erase it, and center it. I chose to do that instead of the stars when they decided to be a huge pain in the neck to get right.
(Very geometric things look very wrong when there's only a slight issue.)

So I'm going to get back to working on this.
Go with God,