
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Your (Ir)Regularly Scheduled Update

I've been informed that I've done a poor job of keeping this blog interesting.
My bad.

Guess now's a good a time as ever to do a review type thing, excluding that which I've already posted here. (Plus my plans for the New Year consist of watching Enchanted and pretending that I'm going to do something productive before the semester starts.)
Plus I promised an update on this:
I finished this a while back, but forgot to let you guys know.

And I did this to see if I could still use markers:
(just pretend the wallpaper doesn't look ridiculous)
This is me attempting to do Bioshock fan art, but it's more like a precursor to something more polished. And inked.

Speaking of Bioshock: 
This is what happens when your professor introduces you to ADAMS software when you're on a gaming kick.

Also, some time ago it was "Draw your cat in a dress day" 
I did my best.

Here's a cute monster that I cannot replicate for the life of me.
Why must the cute ones be so hard to draw twice?

And if anyone looking at this happens to go to UAH, this never happened: 
The last class of the semester is rarely interesting, so I ended up drawing my circuits professor instead of paying attention. (Seriously, this never happened. I'm watching you.)
(Besides he smiles a lot more than this, neutral expressions are just easier for the first time with a face.) 

And that's all I had the motivation to track down.
I will try really hard to actually do some finished work and post it in the coming year.
(We'll just pretend engineering is not a time consuming major and that in my free time I won't be completely braindead.)
Later dudes,

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Wall Art Progress (Thursday)

So, you may remember a while back I posted a picture of a chalk drawing on my wall?
Well, it's been a while, but I actually did some work on it!
The first coat is done, but the second is proving to be an issue. Turns out that rather than the very careful method I'd employed for the first coat will not get this thing done quickly. I am having to liberally slather paint on the areas I've worked on several times. This is making it go a bit slow since I want each section to be done before I work on the next. And after the tree, I have the text to do at the top.
At least I'm getting somewhere.
You may notice the distinct difference between the parts that only have one layer and the ones with more.
The text at the top is elvish for "Speak Friend and Enter" plus a little embellishment because I didn't want to go back, erase it, and center it. I chose to do that instead of the stars when they decided to be a huge pain in the neck to get right.
(Very geometric things look very wrong when there's only a slight issue.)

So I'm going to get back to working on this.
Go with God,

Monday, April 28, 2014

Finals (Monday)

Of course by "later this week" I meant in about two weeks.
Sorry for the delay, the semester's wrapping up and so things got particularly busy after that post. It's Finals week at last, and with inclement weather delaying tomorrow's final I found myself with time do scrounge up some of my more finished work from the semester.
This is brought to you by watching way too much Face Off.

Pen sketch I did at a campus ministry event. It looks off because I didn't have a pencil to do any basic proportioning with first.

And this was referenced from a picture in Hyrule Historia. I'm particularly fond of the environments from Skyward Sword, so I thought I'd take a stab at copying one of the concept sketches. Didn't turn out terrible, so it's here.

Once I move back home, get my desk set back up, and go through my notes I'll have some doodles to show you as well. I haven't been entirely idle this semester, I just haven't set aside much time for practice.
So sometime after next week I will post again.
(Hopefully it doesn't take me longer than a week to move back home.)
Go with God,

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I'm Alive! (Thursday)

Just wanted to let you know I'm alive and I have some sketches that I will scan later this week.
Sorry for the lack of updates.
Go with God,

Monday, January 6, 2014

School Starts Wednesday (Monday)

So here's some art I've worked on recently.
(At least the more finished stuff.)

Just a note, my scanner's decided to start doing this thing where when the paper you're scanning isn't perfectly flat it shows these weird shadows where there aren't any.
I'm trying to think of a way to work around this.

The first is a magician concept. She's still in flux at this time, I really can't pin her down, but this has presented itself as an option.
The second is an odd character who, despite having been sitting around since before winter break has elected not to entirely reveal his true nature. However, his look is rather fixed at this point, so you get that.
The last is something I drew last night. She's one of the elemental judges; earth, if you couldn't figure that much out. Her leg is made of "living" branches because of backstory issues. Her coat, face, and figure I like, but I think the dress needs to change. Maybe.
And I just drew the little cute thing for my own entertainment. Thinking about giving the full one a quick color… maybe with pencils.

Go with God,