
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sleeping is for the Weak (Saturday)

What happens when you're awake at 12 am with hours worth of energy?


Art happens.

And for some reason it turned into three dwarf ladies at a pub.
Well, there were three, then one went to go use her perfectly styled beard to attract a young warrior. Hers is less practical than her big sister's, and little sister is only starting to get significant beardage.

The book that would really help me nail the clothes and furniture costs about $40.
As fascinating as it is, I would rather figure it out myself.
(Soon as it's on sale, consider it mine.)
Also, if you look up pictures of the dwarf ladies from The Hobbit, they are significantly less bearded than I have deemed necessary. Really now, how are they supposed to catch themselves a decent man with only that little bit of fuzz?

So yeah.
12 am   =   (magnificently) bearded ladies

Go with God,

And yes, I'm starting a dwarf tag. May come in handy in the future.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Progress (Saturday)

For the amount of time I have had with the Tree of Gondor, my progress is pitiful.
Less than half of the branches are done, and I seem to be constantly making adjustments to the ones that I've deemed "complete."

For having all the time in the world to do anything I please, I seem to take great pains at doing anything at all.
It worries me.

When summer break started I figured I could get this project knocked out in a week or two, tops.
(In case you haven't noticed, it's been a month.)
Perhaps I'm thinking too much; perhaps I'm not doing it right.
In case you haven't noticed, I tend to not spend a great deal of time on my art projects.
I just get to a point where I'm like "screw it, let's just finish."
Hopefully it won't come to that.

Maybe soon the light will come on and I'll finish the things I've started.

Go with God,